Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

What is AKS and why you want to use one?.

AKS is a way to package  your code and package itself contain all its dependencies that need to run. 
So you are deploying your code as package into azure.

Great thing about kubernetes is it’s a open source invented by google but its available on all the major cloud platform.
If you create a code for kubernet service you can deploy it to azure you can deploy to google cloud platform,Amazon AWS but that’s not true for Azure Logic Apps and function apps or Azure service fabrics

Containerized solution is a way to package your code and deploy it to any environment, it's easy to package and run in any environment.  You just need to pull the container from the repo and start using it, your code in already buit and setup in required enviornment.

Follow the steps to create.

1. Add the resource group
2. Enter the name of cluster and select region
3. Click Review and create

 Once validation is passed, it will look as shown below. Then click on create.

Now its  time to test.

Go To Azure CLI  using bash and type following command to connect to cluster

1.      uttam@Azure:~$

az aks get-credentials --resource-group NetworkWatcherRG --name MyOwnCluster

Get the nodes :

2.      uttam@Azure:~$

kubectl get nodes

Deploying the kubernet service.

Download the azure azure-vote.yaml file from link ( upload it in current dir from bash

1.      Get the IP to run

kubectl get service

2. Run  the App with highlighted IP addres on your local machine


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